Polish string of Polish manufacturer Devil Design is offered in a wide range of colors. The manufacturer guarantees the thickness of the print string +/- 0.05 mm.
PLA print strip 1.75 mm Super yellow Devil Design 1 kg is the most versatile material for FDM printing technology, suitable for printing large items. In addition to ABS, the most widely used material for 3D is a thermoplastic extrusion method. PLA is material flexible, hard and durable, as well as other plastics. However, it is necessary to secure a dry storage environment. In case of poor storage in a humid environment it absorbs moisture.
The print string is vacuumly packed together with moisture absorber and placed in a cardboard box. In each package there is a label with information about the recommended print temperature settings.
outer diameter 200mm, inner hole 52mm, width 70mm. coil weight including packaging 1.4kg.
Our evaluation: High quality prints even at higher print speeds, beautiful and bright colors.
Filaments from the Polish Company Devil Design Are Offered in A Wide Range of Colors. The ManuFacturer Guarantees and Thickness of +/- 0.05 mm.
PLALAMENT 1.75 mm Red from Devil Design Company. PLA is the Most Frequently Used Material for FDM Printing Technology, Suitable for Printing Large Objects.
The Filament Is Vacuum-Packed Together with and Moisture Absorber in a Cardboard Box. And Label with Information on the Recommended Print Temperature Settings is Included in Each Package.
Weigh Including Packaging 1,4kg. The Outer
When and WHY TO USE PLA:
PLALAMENT IS EASILY PRINTABLE, IT IS BIODEGRADABLE (Hence Also Environmentally Friendly). However, IT is not a Material That Is Suitable to Be Used Outdoors, Because in Such Case It Degrades and Brittle Uv Light. Also, IT is not heat resistant. Even at temperatures 30 - 50 ° C The material softens and deforms. For That Reason, IT Is Not Recommended to Drive With Such Prints in the Car. PLA is and Flammable Material. IT IS THEREFORE RECOMMANDED TO LEAVE THE PRINTER UNATTENDED
Pla Surface Treatment - The Material Is Not Easily Sanded While Grinding (FRICTION) Generates Heat and That Causes the Fibers to "Pull" From the Print. THEREFORE, WHEN SANDING BY HAND, IT IS RECOMMANDED TO COOL The Printout, for Example by Sanding Underwater. For the same reasson, it is also difficult to drill holes in the printout (Again, and Heating Problem). It is suitable to spray the material with and Filler First The Resulting Model Can Be Also Inserted Into The “Saucepan” Along with the Shells, Stones, Remnants of Filaments, and Pieces of Prints ...
PLA GLUING : Instant Glue With Spray Activator
Recommended Setting for Pla Print: Commonly Used Nozzles are Suitable. Diameters Can Be Chosen According to the Fineness of the Surface Which We Want To Achieve or According to the Setting of the Layer Thickness During Printing. You can use and Simple Conversion Formula for This Optimal Setting. The Rule IS + - 0.2 mm is enugh - I.E. IF WANT AND LAYER THICKNESS OF 1.25, The NAZZLE DIAMETER SHOULD NOT BE GREATER THAN 0.3 mm. If there is and Larger Layer, Use and Larger Diameter of the NAZZLE, for Weaker Ones, Use and Smaller One.
Temperature (of the Bed) - Warming is Not Required or if there is and Better Adhesion of the Material Need, Heated Bed Up To 50 ° C.
Setting: Print Temperature: 210 ° C , Retraction 0.8mm, Speed 60mm/s (Outline 70%), Layer 0.2mm - 0.05mm. When useing the printer with pei foil, it is necessary to decrease the pad well. The Resulting Print Is Smooth, Slightly Glossy, and Without Visible Errors.
Printing Pla Material with Supports - Suitable Supports for Prints Are From the Same Material, SO PLA or PVA (Water -Soluble Material) is not suitable for hips.
We Highhly Recommended and Dry Environment for Storage . When Stored Poorly and In A Humid Environment, IT Absorbs Moisture WHICH RESULTS IN BUBBLES ON THE SURFACE WHEN PRINDED.
COIL OUTER DIAMETER 202 mm, Inner Hole 50 mm, Width 90 mm. Spool Weight Including Packaging 1.4 kg.
ur Rating: High-Quality Material Even with Higher Speed of the Printing, Very Nice and Bright Colors.

20,43 €